Magic Oil 2K on White Oak / Red Oak


Тип здания Commercial
Страна USA

Over 7,000 sq. ft. of MAGIC OIL 2K (Neutral) flow throughout this showroom in The Colony, Texas providing a testimonial piece to all the clients who visit.  MAGIC OIL 2K (Neutral) was selected by Flooring Services as a highlight piece over a custom stain to this showroom to provide a stunning testimonial piece to their clients that speaks to the durability and longevity of the product.  The ease of maintenance of MAGIC OIL 2K also allows Flooring Services to keep these floors looking new and fresh for every client that enters their doors.

Используемые продукты


2-component hardened penetrating oil for the discerning customer that desires an extremely durable, velvety-matte floor finish for high-use areas.

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Лаки,масла, оборудования для паркетных полов

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Системы для укладки плитки и натурального камня

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